The first image is of my front cover flat plan for the college magazine, which included the masthead which is placed at the top of the magazine as it is where it normally goes and is the first thing people look at when they buy a magazine. Main image is more dominating than everything else on the page as it usually is on other front covers of other magazines, however the coverlines, main coverlines and barcode will be in front of the main image.
The main coverline is on the right hand side, this is because people are supposed to read from left to right, so they will look from the masthead, down to the image, then sideways to the main coverline. The other coverlines will be near the bottom of the page, which is what the readers will finally read. The barcode is there because all magazines have one, however I will have additional information there, like the price, and maybe even an email so the readers can enquire anything in the article. Especially for this audience as it is based on college students, they can email the magazine writer about anything that they are interested in, that was in the article.
The second image is of my contents page flat plan for the college magazine, which features three images, however one of them will be a faded background image behind everything on the page. It will be faded enough so that it won't contrast with the smaller images. Linking this with the smaller images, these will simply be of places in the college, with a small caption underneath each one to give a small description of the images. The contents that will be included in my magazine will be listed on the right hand side, including the page numbers. The contents that are shown on this page will be brief, so that not too much information is given away before the reader actually reads the magazine. The content's page coverline will be placed at the top of the page, purely because it will let the readers know they are on the contents page, this will probably be the largest feature on the page.
You have produced some flat plans showing a rough design of the preliminary task, with a write up of your design choices. The next step is to actually produce the college magazine.