This is my magazine that I created to develop my Photoshop skills, instead of creating a music magazine like my actual magazine will be, I decided to create a beauty magazine cover.
The fact that the genre was beauty, I decided to use more subtle and natural colours like pink, grey etc, that weren't as harsh and "in your face." as the colours you would tend to see on a music magazine such as red, yellow etc. So I decided to use a main theme of nude/pale pink and black, these colours are quite popular in the beauty genre, as pink is seen as a natural colour and black is what is used to be striking- which is what women's looks should be. I done this simply by using the colour panel on photo shop, when I created the background.
I used the text tool to add text to my magazine, as well as change the font, size and colour, I changed all font colours to black to link into my theme. I used different fonts-but not too many so it has "too much going on." and can be an eye sore, I chose from the same three fonts for different sections of text, this gives the magazine a more professional look as other well known magazines use this technique too. Also using the text tool, I put the Masthead in front of the image, so readers would be able to see the name of the magazine, it is also black to fit in with the theme.
I used the magic wand tool to crop out the main images' background, this allowed me to change the background colour to create my theme, but it again gives the magazine a more professional look. This tool helped to crop the image with more accuracy, for e.g. the hair of Jennifer Lawrence has no colour between the strands from the previous background, so it looks like the image was purposely took for this cover, it looks better than it would if I used the rubber tool, where it looked messy and unprofessional. I also used the refine edge tool during this process so the image would have better quality.
In addition, I used the transformation tool when adding and enlarging my barcode, including my main image, this allowed me to enlarge the images without making them more pixelated and messy. This has kept both images tidy and effective.
Finally, I used the simple eclipse tool when creating my bubble to advertise a free sample of perfume, I realised that other magazines use these to draw more readers in- offering free goodies, so I decided to use it too, again I used the colour panel to change the bubble colour to black to link into my theme.
Donna, you have successfully completed the photoshop skills development task, using tools that will be invaluable when it comes to your main task construction. You have also provided a good write-up of the process that you went through to design the image on Photoshop.